James Harden does what James Harden wants. He’s not a team-friendly kind of guy, and the Houston Rockets, Brooklyn Nets, and now Philadelphia 76ers are learning that the hard way.

He wants to get paid a lot of money while also getting to choose where he plays. That’s not the way it works when you’re under contract, but that has never stopped him in the past.

Recently, Jake Fischer of Yahoo Sports reported that Harden could take the next step in his plan to leave the Sixers. He intends to attend training camp before the start of the NBA season, but not exactly to help.

James Harden Will Report To Training Camp

If this saga does drag out through September and until media day on Oct. 2, Harden is expected at this point to report to training camp, according to league sources,” Fischer wrote. “You can cause far more headaches for the organization you’re trying to leave by showing up, as opposed to staying home.”

With both the Rockets and Nets, Harden made various trips away from the team for various nightlife activities,” added Fischer. “He made Brooklyn feel it had no other option but to trade him to the Sixers before the 2022 trade deadline, or risk losing him for nothing. With Philadelphia, Harden’s side is very much of the belief joining the Clippers is not a matter of if, but when.”

Simply put, Harden can be more harmful if he shows up, and that’s the only reason why he’s going to be there. Ironically, that’s one of the many reasons why no team was willing to pay him big bucks this offseason.