The Golden State Warriors haven't made the playoffs since Klay Thompson suffered that injury in the NBA Finals. A major setback stopped him from coming back last season but it seems like his return is finally just around the corner.

Thompson is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league and one of the greatest shooters to ever walk the Earth. Needless to say, the Dubs need him back on the court if they want to win the ring.

The 3-time NBA Champion has always been a key part of Steve Kerr's plans. And, according to league legend Grant Hill, Thompson will be just fine despite the long layoff as long as he doesn't force things.

Grant Hill Shares His Thoughts On Klay Thomspon's Comeback

“We’ve come so far in terms of recovery and the methods with surgery, so I think he’ll be fine,” Hill said, per NBC Sports. “The most important thing is you can’t get it all back right away, in some cases. So as long as he can put together consecutive days, consecutive weeks, consecutive months of health—the basketball part is going to be there—I think he’ll be fine.”

“I think he’s in a great situation,” Hill added. “Team is doing well. He’ll come right in and fit right in and it will be fun to watch. Except when you play against him.”

Draymond Green Pulls The Brakes On Thompson's Injury

However, Draymond Green doesn't want to get ahead of himself or rush things. He recently talked about how the mental aspect of the game could take a toll on Thompson's comeback and performance:

“I’m not going to get my hopes up to get let down, and I hope you don’t either,” Green said, per NBC Sports. (...) "He may not be ready mentally, right? His body can be great but is he ready tomorrow mentally? He could not be. So I don’t want him to feel that anxiety and that pressure that I know comes with it when everybody’s looking like, 'Oh man, he about to be back. Hey Klay, you back?’ That anxiety, it adds up and it weighs on you. So, no, I’m not anticipating it all but I am very excited about it."

Hopefully, that won't be the case and Thompson won't try and force things. He needs to get his legs back under him and get used to the speed of the game again, and we just can't wait to see him back out there.