Antony of Manchester United is accused of physically assaulting at least three women, his ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin being the main voice, as she showcased images of her injuries to her hand and head claiming it was the Brazilian soccer player who attacked her.

Now a 33-year-old Brazilian banker by the name of Ingrid Lana has come forward, claiming that she is another victim of physical violence by Antony. Lana claims that the attack took place at Antony’s home in Manchester last October.

In an interview Lana gave to Record in Brazil she claims that the 23-year-old tried to force his way to have sexual relations with the stylish banker and that things escalated to violence from there.

Ingrid Lana statement

Lana explained to Record, “It was a little push but it could have made you hit your head, hit the back of your head and die”, Lana goes on to state that aides who work for Antony called her “begging her to stay on his side” and tried “to convince her Gabriela was lying”.

(Antony) has deep pockets and is going to manipulate things, because he’s afraid and desperate. I would never lie about something so serious, especially knowing that he has deeper pockets than I do. I’m on the side of women. After seeing the photos Gabriela posted, I decided to change sides because I saw Antony was lying.”

Lana added: “I am not looking for fame, I’m not after income or a place in Big Brother. My true goal is to fight in favor of women and the truth.”

Sao Paulo Civil Police are investigating the allegations of assault alongside the Greater Manchester Police.