As the world of combat sports braces for an epic clash, former UFC champion Francis Ngannou and boxing sensation Tyson Fury are set to collide in a high-stakes heavyweight showdown. Embracing his transition from MMA to professional boxing, Ngannou left no stone unturned, seeking inspiration from none other than former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson.

Mark your calendars for October 28, as the date is etched for what is undoubtedly the most anticipated fight of the year. Ngannou and Fury will meet in the ring, adhering to the official rules of professional boxing, with three judges ringside ready to determine the victor through the 10-point must system.

In an interview with Sky Sports News, Ngannou exuded unwavering confidence as he delves into his preparation to face Fury’s elusive movements. Ngannou said: “I don’t think I will be frustrated because I’m not going there just expecting to hit him easily. I know it’s going to be tough. It might even be tougher for me than for him, which is the case because he has a lot of experience.”

Mike Tyson’s Legendary Mentorship

Recognizing the immense value of strategic advice, Ngannou seeks inspiration from the iconic Mike Tyson. “Mike Tyson is my mentor for this high-stakes clash. Under Tyson’s watchful eye, I am honing a delivery system that will allow me to precisely target and capitalize on Fury’s vulnerabilities”, Ngannou revealed.

Despite the apparent disparity in boxing experience between the two fighters, Ngannou remains unfazed. Since his departure from the UFC and signing with the Professional Fighters League (PFL), Ngannou has been honing his skills for this defining moment. Confident in his preparation, Ngannou states, “I have a lot of experience of being with a high level of fighter in front of me.”

As anticipation reaches a fever pitch, fight fans are eager to witness this colossal showdown between two exceptional athletes. With the tutelage of Mike Tyson fueling his ambition, Ngannou is primed to make history. “I’m not intimidated by him or anybody,” declares Ngannou. With both fighters eyeing victory, October 28 promises to be an unforgettable night of boxing glory.