The Golden State Warriors have been somewhat inconsistent this season. They've failed to establish themselves as the dominant force they've been for most of Steve Kerr's tenure, even despite being the reigning NBA champions.

Their new rotation, multiple injuries, and even some bad luck have prevented the Dubs from reaching their peak this season. They've been outstanding at home while also owning the league's worst record on the road.

That's why Stephen Curry believes the team should go the distance to try and make some moves to salvage their season. Nonetheless, the front office doesn't feel the same way, and that could create a rift between them and their star player.

NBA Rumors: Stephen Curry Wants Warriors To Make A Move

(Transcript via Jack Simone — Heavy)

“'Steph lets it be known, and he has let it be known that he is going to be 35 [in March], and he does not have time to wait for James Wiseman to make trips to the G League,' a Western Conference executive told Deveney. 'He also is not of the mindset that they won a championship last year, and they should be satisfied with that – he will be pissed, frankly, if they do nothing and they lose in the play-in or something.'

Curry has been loyal to the Warriors for the entirety of his career. He’s led them to championships, taken a step back when it was time for Kevin Durant to come to town, and even took a pay cut to make that move happen in the first place.

Everything he’s done throughout the course of his career has been with the best interest of the Warriors in mind. And for the most part, they’ve returned the favor, treating him like royalty in Golden State. But now, there are differentiating ideologies."


Truth be told, the Warriors should look to do right by Curry. He's always been about the team, so they should deliver now that he's finally demanding some action in the trade market. Whether that'll happen or not remains to be seen.