The Los Angeles Lakers have done everything they could possibly do to make sure LeBron James stays there until the very end of his career. However, we’ve seen and heard that multiple times already.

Anything can happen in the NBA, and James has made some shocking and seemingly impulsive decisions about his career in the past, so there’s always a chance he’ll leave.

We also have to consider the fact that James might not have that many years left in the tank. He’s midway through his 21st season, and while he’s not going to walk away yet, he recently admitted that retirement is not that far ahead.

LeBron Talks About His Future

Talking about retirement, the four-time NBA champion stated that he’s still on the fence about getting a farewell tour or just annouce his retirement shortly after the season:

LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers.

LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers.

“I don’t know how many seasons I have left,” James admitted. “I know it’s not that many. I also don’t know; I was asked this question a couple of days ago: ‘Will you take the farewell tour or just Tim Duncan it?’ I’m 50/50. I’ll be honest because there are times I feel like I owe it to my fans who have been on this journey with me for two decades plus, to be able to give them that moment. That seems cool. But. on the other side, I’ve never been that great with accepting praise. It’s a weird feeling for me.”

There was plenty of speculation regarding a potential Lakers exit and how he was unhappy with their lack of moves at the trade deadline. Still, he’s hopeful to retire with the Purple & Gold:

I am a Laker, and I am happy, very happy, being a Laker the last six years, and hopefully, it stays that way,” James said. “But I don’t have the answer to how long it is, or which uniform I’ll be in. Hopefully, it is with the Lakers. It’s a great organization, with so many greats with it. I don’t know how it’s going to end, but it’s coming.”

His son Bronny will most likely make it to the league next season, and that’s another factor to consider when assessing his future. For now, however, it seems like he’s going to stay put.

SURVEY Will LeBron retire with the Lakers?

Will LeBron retire with the Lakers?