While the spotlight is set onJames Harden, he’s not even the biggest problem the Philadelphia 76ers have right now. Their top priority should be taking care of Joel Embiid.

There have been plenty of rumors and narratives about how Harden’s situation could create a domino effect that could lead them to lose Embiid as well. Some even claim that’s Daryl Morey’s endgame.

Needless to say, multiple teams would take the reigning NBA MVP in a heartbeat if he were to become available. However, a report by Marc Stein states that Embiid has not even hinted at requesting a trade right now.

Joel Embiid Hasn’t Requested A Trade

According to NBA reporter Marc Stein, the defending MVP has not (repeat: not) asked to be traded,” wrote Timothy Rapp of Bleacher Report. “If/when that happens is when the Harden situation truly becomes a crisis for Morey and the Sixers.”

“It bears repeating that the Sixers aren’t trading Embiid unless Embiid forces them into it. Nothing close to that has happened—yet,” Rapp added.

Of course, we’ve also seen how quickly these kinds of things can change in this league, and Embiid is an unpredictable and smart guy, so we should keep an eye on this situation.