The 2022-2023 Premier League has been full of excitement for thousands of fans. At the top of the standings, Manchester City and Arsenal are in the final stage of their race to become champions. However, there are many other stories unfolding.

At the bottom of the table, relegation has brought up drama and desperation for many teams such as Southampton, Leeds United, Nottingham Forest, Everton, Leicester City, Wolverhampton, West Ham or Bournemouth. At some point during the season, all of them have been in danger.

Now, with only two games remaining in the Premier League, there’s one club which has been officially relegated. Read here to find out the details. It’s a shocking day for soccer fans.

Which teams are relegated in 2022-2023 Premier League?

This Saturday, Southampton lost 2-0 against Fulham at St. Mary’s Stadium. With only 24 points after 36 matches, they cannot chase Everton at the 17th spot of the table. So, relegation is official.

Southampton had played in the Premier League for the last 11 years. Their best performance in the First Division came in the 1983-1984 season finishing in second place.

However, the greatest moment in club history came in the 1975-1976 FA Cup. They won the historic tournament as a team from the Second Division by beating Manchester United 1-0 in the final at Wembley thanks to a goal from Bobby Stokes. One of the biggest upsets ever.