Stephen Curry has been used to being overlooked long before he made it to the NBA. He paved his way to stardom and became the greatest player in Golden State Warriors history.

But as great as he was and even after becoming the league’s only first unanimous MVP and a three-time NBA champion, some still dared doubt him and count him out.

That’s why, following a couple of disappointing seasons, Steph couldn’t help but cry his eyes out when he proved the world wrong again by taking home his fourth title.

Stephen Curry Explains Why He Cried After His Fourth Ring

“We got so far away the mountaintop at a certain point with the injuries, the changing of the scenery, moving from Oakland to San Francisco, our roster changing, like you name it, Curry said in a recent interview.

“The fact that none of it was guaranteed but that was just a culmination of a three-year journey from game six of the 2019 Finals to game 6 of the ’22 Finals. That three-year journey was an emotional roller coaster journey,” he added.

That right there is what separates good players from great ones. Steph still has that same fire and desire he had from day one. Let’s just hope that doesn’t change any time soon.