Aaron Rodgers‘ hopes of leading the New York Jets to the 2024 Super Bowl lasted only four plays. The veteran quarterback got injured early in the team’s season opener against the Buffalo Bills, with MRI later revealing he tore his left Achilles tendon.

This situation sparked controversy on the use of artificial turf for football games, with many people around the league claiming these kinds of injuries wouldn’t happen on natural grass.

Dak Prescott, for instance, suffered an ankle injury on an artificial surface in a home game with the Dallas Cowboys in 2020. Now, he’s joining the petition for all games to be played on grass.

Dak Prescott joins NFLPA’s call for grass fields after Rodgers’ injury

Yeah, I’m 100 percent a grass guy. . . . My injury plays a huge part in that,” Prescott said, as quoted by ProFootballTalk. “How physical this game is, the way guys are getting tackled, it’s a whole lot safer, in my opinion, on grass than turf.

“That’s hard on our bodies. This is a billion-dollar business and you want the best product on the field all the time.”

How many NFL stadiums have natural grass?

The 30 stadiums in the NFL are split 50-50 between those that have artificial turf and those with natural grass.