Lionel Messi is 36-years old, but he looks unstoppable with Inter Miami in the MLS. The legend has scored eleven goals in two months and hoisted his first trophy in the US after winning the 2023 Leagues Cup.

Meanwhile, with Argentina’s national team, Messi was the key factor in the start of the 2026 World Cup qualifiers against Ecuador. Though he missed the next game at Bolivia, Leo is still the leader of the strongest squad at the international level.

That’s why, considering Lionel Messi doesn’t seem to be ready for retirement, the big question is if he will consider to defend the title in the tournament which will be played in Mexico, the United States and Canada.

Will Lionel Messi play in the 2026 World Cup?

Lionel Messi explained if he will be ready or not to play the 2026 World Cup with Argentina. It all happened during an exclusive interview with Migue Granados in the famous program Olga.

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t think about it yet because it’s too far away. I do think in Copa America (2024) and my goal is to be ready for that tournament in the US. It’s going to be very nice. Here there are spectacular stadiums and a great environment.”

Though his presence at the Copa America in 2024 seems to be confirmed, the final decision for the World Cup will depend on a lot of factors. That’s why Messi is very cautious about that scenario.

“Years pass by and we’ll see how I’m feeling. The MLS is another rhythm. It’s going to be day by day. There are three years left for the World Cup. I made an important decision leaving Europe to come to Miami. Right now, I don’t want to think about the next step. I just want to enjoy.”