Rumors suggest that the NFL owners would be counting votes to force the sale of the Washington Commanders after the new harassment allegations against Daniel Snyder (owner). But things are not as easy as they seem, since it is necessary that a large part of the votes are in favor of "expelling" Snyder from the league.

The case surrounding Snyder is based on harassment claims, all allegations are by former Washington Commanders employees. The entire case is taking place at the Oversight Committee's Washington, D.C.

The NFL never wanted to fully investigate the allegations at first that among other things caused Jun Gruden to step down as the head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders in October 2021. Apparently that was just the tip of the iceberg, and therefore some US representatives launched an independent investigation.

How many NFL owners votes would it take to force the sale of a franchise?

24 votes are needed to expel Daniel Snyder from the NFL, in total there are 32 franchise owners, which means that 75% of the owners must agree to vote and force the sale of the Washington Commanders.

No NFL owner has ever been kicked out of the league, but another team owner in a different sport was forced to sell his team, the Donald Sterling case and the sale of the Clippers. But going back to the NFL, this could be the first case where an owner gets this type of punishment (it's in the rule book) without counting the legal problems related to the harassment allegations by former employees.